Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Don't Forget!!

The WAEPOA annual meeting is Saturday May 29th at the Nunda Township Hall in Wolverine. Plan to attend to meet your neighbors and discuss ideas on how we can make our neighborhood a better place. It starts at 10 AM....hope to see you there!!!


Anonymous said...

Concerns regarding special assessment on property owners. I am against any special assessment on parcels in the Wildwood Acreage Estates. I purchased Property in the Wildwood Acreage for its remote and wilderness atmosphere. I pay my dues each year. I understand that there are those that do not. I guess i would not worry to much about their roads. I understand that it is important that everyone living there year around is able to get out. But it your dues are not paid I guess they need to find another way to plow their roads. They also knew the by-laws when they purchased property there. I would be more for forming a corporation to collect the dues if that is possible. Has anyone checked into the cost of that? I do not want my roads widened, and I do not care if my road is plowed in the Winter. Are there roads being plowed that do not need plowed in the winter? I would rather pay more dues than go to the Special Assessment. Was an attorney asked what our power for collection would be if we were incorporated?
I do not need more taxes or any more government involment in a place as beautiful as the Wildwood Acreage. To me if the roads were widened it would be the same as any subdivision on down the road. I guess it would be a time to consider selling.

Unknown said...

I understand the concerns of the anonymous property owner who is against the proposed special assessment. No one wants more government in their lives. However, the solutions you are proposing may sound very simple - we just don't take care of the roads of the owners that don't pay their dues, and that will do the trick. Not so easy - these individuals are situated in locations that directly affect those who ARE paying dues and their ability to get in and out. It's common knowledge that a number of the non-payers are year round residents that use the roads every day. I too have no interest in having the roads widened/paved, etc. as we all appreciate our peaceful places back in the forest. However, I do want our roads to remain open to get in and out, which means we will occasionaly require more stone/gravel/grading to keep the erosion at bay and other forces of wear and tear. That being said, I'm all for the assesment because history has shown that the non-payers will continue to be non-payers - because there is no reason for them to believe that the rest of us responsible residents won't continue to care for our roads and property as we have done in the past.