Thursday, December 23, 2010

Whether near or far....

...a sincere wish for a very Merry Christmas and
a Healthy and Happy New Year!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

On Fire!

Where did the summer go? Hope you took the time to enjoy the warmth because it seems to have slipped away pretty quickly. Just glad that at least Fall gives us these gorgeous colors! It's a sight to behold!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Royal Pine

This picture was taken at Road Commissioner Dick Brown's house by neighbor Betty Styers who thought the color was unusual. We just think it's very pretty!
Thanks for sharing Betty!!

Annual Meeting

The Association has another Annual Meeting under it's belt and once again it was a lively affair. The major topic of discussion was whether there was interest in establishing a Special Assessment Tax District to collect money via property taxes to plow and maintain the roads. After a Q&A with Township President, John Moore, the consensus was that the issue was not receiving the support it needed to move forward so it was agreed to let it go at this time.
There was also a change to your board. Barb Havens relinquished her position as Secretary/Treasurer and Susan Hobbs agreed to step in. The other officers remain the same. Contact information is again listed on the right side.
Hope everyone has a fabulous summer and if you have anything of interest that you would like to post on this blog please submit it to the Webmaster and she would be pleased to make that happen.
Enjoy the season!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Don't Forget!!

The WAEPOA annual meeting is Saturday May 29th at the Nunda Township Hall in Wolverine. Plan to attend to meet your neighbors and discuss ideas on how we can make our neighborhood a better place. It starts at 10 AM....hope to see you there!!!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Be on the look out....

Your WAEPOA Spring letter will be arriving soon!