Monday, May 1, 2017

Annual Meeting Reminder

Don't forget that the Association Annual Meeting will be on Saturday May 27th at 10am at the Township Hall in Wolverine.  All members are encourage to attend to voice their concerns and meet their neighbors.

Here are the minutes from last year's meeting.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Road News

Posted by Vicki Reinhardt on Facebook on July 20th...
I would like to thank Buford Sherman for our mid summer grading! It was much needed... In grading some larger fill stone was brought to the surface making the roads a little rough to navigate until the rain/mud packs them back down again. It is necessary to bring the loose dirt and gravel back into the center of the road where it used to be. If you find a larger rock please feel free to move it out if the roadway. We have some target areas we will be putting more gravel on in the near future. If you see an orange cone proceed with caution as there may be work in progress!
It has also been brought to my attention that someone is complaining that "my" road is the "best" one out here!
Let me set things straight!!!
Trillium trail is maintained by brad case and Brian bunker at their own expense with their own equipment! The last time WAEPOA put any money in this road mike brown was road commissioner and that was a long time ago! Waepoa does include trillium in the snow plowing but that is all!
Trillium will be getting gravel in the near future which is being paid for by the people who live on it...
It would be nice if people got all the facts before complaining to other owners!
We try and do the best we can with the money we do spend for WAEPOA. If you don't like what you see please feel free to run for an office!
Rant over!

Sunday, April 24, 2016


With the new signs at the front of the association I thought maybe this might attract some members that previously haven't visited our page.
My name is Barb Manrow and I live with my husband Ron on Wildlife Trail.  I have been hosting this blog page for many years.  It's a great place for neighbors to find out what is going on in WAEPOA.  I would love to include any information or pictures that you would like to share.  Unfortunately I can't open the comments section to everyone because we get a lot of unwanted spam but if you want to post something I would be happy to do so.  Just call me at home...231-525-9808 or email me at and I will update the page as quickly as I can.
Encourage your friends and neighbors to join in the fun either here or on our Facebook page.
(Also please note the contact information on the right side of this page for the Association Officers.)

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Sad News

Posted by Pres Vicki Reinhardt on Facebook...
With a heavy heart we mourn the loss of our friend and neighbor Rick Deevers from wildlife trail who recently passed away. Our prayers and sympathy are extended to his wife Anita and his family. A memorial is being planned in the spring. Rick was a long time resident and past officer of WAEPOA and will be missed by many.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Two Posts

The following were posted by President Vicki Reinhardt on Facebook...

Winter has finally arrived with a vengeance in the northwoods...
Buford and his crew have been doing a great job and we are his first priority! Please give him and his plows the right of way when you encounter them on our roads. There seems to be some discord from a couple property owners expecting roads plowed (that no one resides on or wants plowed) just because they have $100 taken out of their taxes for road maintenance. Any new roads to be considered for plowing need to be discussed at our May meeting when the contract could be revised. Afterwards is too late for that year. Sorry folks
Our 2016 meeting is May 28 at 10am Nunda Twp hall in wolverine.

WAEPOA would like to say goodbye to our members Doug and Christy Schofield who sold their property back here on Buttercup recently. Doug was on our road commission and worked hard at keeping our roads and trees in good shape. Thank you for all that you did for WAEPOA.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Trouble with Beavers

Posted on Facebook by Pres. Vicki Reinhardt...
The WAEPOA beavers are busy again threatening some of our roads again. We are working on the problem and ask people not involved to please leave the dams alone. If you have a concern please contact Vicki (pres) or one of the other officers. Thank you

First Winter Storm

Posted on Facebook by Pres. Vicki Reinhardt...
Hope all our WAEPOA neighbors have a safe New Years and a great 2016!!! We have a solid 10" of snow on the ground and the snowmobile trails and local ski resorts are all open for those wanting to come up for the holiday! Our roads are open and the downed trees have been cut up and removed thanks to a few of our residents!
Please use caution when roads are icy and watch out for snowmobilers. If you have inexperienced riders/kids riding please advise them to ride on the sides of the roads with the traffic not against it. Stay safe and look out for the other guys...