Monday, August 1, 2016

Road News

Posted by Vicki Reinhardt on Facebook on July 20th...
I would like to thank Buford Sherman for our mid summer grading! It was much needed... In grading some larger fill stone was brought to the surface making the roads a little rough to navigate until the rain/mud packs them back down again. It is necessary to bring the loose dirt and gravel back into the center of the road where it used to be. If you find a larger rock please feel free to move it out if the roadway. We have some target areas we will be putting more gravel on in the near future. If you see an orange cone proceed with caution as there may be work in progress!
It has also been brought to my attention that someone is complaining that "my" road is the "best" one out here!
Let me set things straight!!!
Trillium trail is maintained by brad case and Brian bunker at their own expense with their own equipment! The last time WAEPOA put any money in this road mike brown was road commissioner and that was a long time ago! Waepoa does include trillium in the snow plowing but that is all!
Trillium will be getting gravel in the near future which is being paid for by the people who live on it...
It would be nice if people got all the facts before complaining to other owners!
We try and do the best we can with the money we do spend for WAEPOA. If you don't like what you see please feel free to run for an office!
Rant over!