Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Annual Meeting

Posted by WAEPOA President Vicki Reinhardt on Facebook...Our annual meeting was today. A lot of our usual faces were missing this year. Hope everybody's doing ok! Met a few new ones as well. Covered a lot of topics. The minutes will be on the website in 30 days. Lori Curtis (bull run) is our new secretary. Thank you to Susan Hobbs for your years if service!!! I am still president, Bob Hobbs is still Vice President, George Havens is still treasurer And our road committee remains the same also. I would like volunteers for a by-law committee. Please get a hold if me and volunteer smile emoticon a by law proposal was passed out today and input is being collected and considered. Buford Sherman was awarded the snowplow contract for the next 3 years. He did a wonderful job this past winter and we thank Buford and Renee! Anyone needing their drives plowed this winter keep Buford in mind! I hope everyone has a wonderful year here in our association. Please drive respectfully on our roads and inform kids/guests that we pay to maintain our own roads so please don't tear them up with 4wheelers/motorcycles, etc... It only hurts us! Another concern brought to our attention was people trespassing during deer season not wearing orange! Anyone traveling roads here during rifle season on foot, 4wheeler need to dress responsibly! We don't want to see anyone hurt!!!