Sunday, April 26, 2015

Meeting Details

The following was posted by President Reinhardt in a response to a question from a member on Facebook... Jim at this time we do not have anything pending a vote. Any officer position nominations will be from the floor that day as no one has expressed an interest in taking an office. For sure we have to elect a new secretary this year as Sue Hobbs is resigning. The current treasurer wanted to be replaced last year but nobody would step forward and take an office then. Our Vice President is willing to continue as vice again. If ANYONE would like to be president that office could open up real quick too... Since our one meeting a year is always the same weekend on Saturday at 10 those who wish to attend plan to be there or give someone permission to vote for them like in the past. It's the best we can do because of the cost of mailings and not having association dues being collected anymore to provide for the costs of maintaining this association. The road assessment put on our taxes is not the same as association dues for conducting association business. This will be be a topic at this years meeting as well as re-doing our outdated by-laws so we can conduct meetings with the few people who show up. Since these topics will require a vote and a mass mailing we decided not to send a spring newsletter. It's not possible to accommodate everyone's schedules so all we can do is what is best for the association.

Spring Letter

The following was posted on Facebook by President Vicki Reinhardt...It's starting to feel like spring in northern michigan but Mother Nature likes the last laugh... Property owners that weren't hardy enough to spend the winter are starting to "appear"!!! Watch for sightings... Lol Our annual meeting is May 23 at 10am at the Nunda Twp hall in wolverine. We decided not to send a spring newsletter and will be sending one after the meeting instead. We have a few things on the agenda that will require a vote afterward and we won't have to absorb the cost of postage twice by doing this. Please tell your neighbors about the meeting and to check out or website and Facebook. Hope to see everybody at the meeting! We are also accepting snowplow bids until may 15 if you know of anybody. Have them contact me for details. 231-631-2209