Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Road Work Update

Posted by Vicki Reinhardt on Facebook...Thank you WAEPOA residents and property owners for your patience during our road projects! The vinca rd project is completed for this year to see how that works out for us The fall road grading is near completion and should be finished tomorrow! The beavers are busy again on antler and the road was quickly becoming flooded over so emergency measures needed to be taken to clear the culvert and drain the road... We will have to keep an eye on the beavers and culvert this winter! Thank you to mick bunker/bunker excavating for all their work! Also thank you to rocky reed and brownie for helping mick with traffic diversion and other help. Waepoa members are the best!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Posted on Facebook by Vicki Reinhardt: The WAEPOA sign is back where it belongs again...

October Road Work

Posted on Facebook by Vicki Reinhardt: 5 1/2 hrs, 14 volunteer WAEPOA members, PIE&G to restore our power... Last tree took it out almost 60 trees removed today!!! Not a bad day! Next step now is getting rid of pile of trees by Rockys (free wood/you cut) and getting miss dig to flag phone/power lines then mick bunker can finish our road project. Thank you to everybody that helped today!!! Waepoa association has some pretty great members!!!