Sunday, August 24, 2014

Message from the President

Vicki Reinhardt posted this update on the Facebook page............. Hello all! As summer comes to a close there is color starting to show in the trees already where WAS summer??? Our roads underwent a mid summer road grading by mick/Brian bunker with an actual road grader! They widened the places they could to make room for snow plowing this winter and they worked on road crowns. There was an informal meeting at my house in July for people that had concerns after our annual meeting and the vinca road project was discussed. There will be a work bee on The weekend of October 11 to cut/remove trees marked along vinca by some of the WAEPOA members. This will save us money that can then be put into the roads themselves instead if paying to cut trees too. Mick bunker was hired to do the job. Bids were requested from 2 other companies and after seeing our job were not interested in submitting one. I have letters from them staying that! After the trees are removed mr. Bunker will be removing stumps that need it, widening the roads and putting gravel where needed. Our goal is to work within our budget this year. Signs will be going up as work begins and roads may be temporarily closed while dropping/moving trees. Please bear with us during this process... By waiting until October we should miss the heavier summer traffic. Please let your neighbors know Have a safe holiday weekend!!! Thanks, Vicki