Saturday, November 15, 2014

Drive Plowing

Posted by Vicki Reinhardt on Facebook..Waepoa members! Buford Sherman is our winter plow man this winter and is also doing driveways if you need to hire somebody to plow for you this winter! Give him a call at 231-420-0515

Monday, November 10, 2014


Posted on Facebook by Vicki Reinhardt...Winter has arrived at WAEPOA! The road project on vinca and the fall grading are completed and we are hoping the beaver project on antler is done as well...have to wait and see with that one! The project at hand is trimming back branches and downed trees so the plow truck doesn't hit them. Please take the time to check your property's road frontage. Thanks! Hope everybody has a safe hunting and holiday season! For some of you...see you in the spring!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Antler and the Beavers

Posted by Vicki Reinhardt on Facebook...After several hours of work from mick bunker and the "beaver whispering backhoe" along with some neighborhood help we were able to tear out 2 beaver dams and get the water drained out... When the beavers showed up to see what was happening we were able to get 3 of them out as well! Brian Bunker then installed a new grate to keep debris out of the culvert. Now that the water is drained we can watch regularly for any new activity there. We had to act now before we lost the road and the culverts got plugged solid and we had to replace them as well..

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Road Work Update

Posted by Vicki Reinhardt on Facebook...Thank you WAEPOA residents and property owners for your patience during our road projects! The vinca rd project is completed for this year to see how that works out for us The fall road grading is near completion and should be finished tomorrow! The beavers are busy again on antler and the road was quickly becoming flooded over so emergency measures needed to be taken to clear the culvert and drain the road... We will have to keep an eye on the beavers and culvert this winter! Thank you to mick bunker/bunker excavating for all their work! Also thank you to rocky reed and brownie for helping mick with traffic diversion and other help. Waepoa members are the best!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Posted on Facebook by Vicki Reinhardt: The WAEPOA sign is back where it belongs again...

October Road Work

Posted on Facebook by Vicki Reinhardt: 5 1/2 hrs, 14 volunteer WAEPOA members, PIE&G to restore our power... Last tree took it out almost 60 trees removed today!!! Not a bad day! Next step now is getting rid of pile of trees by Rockys (free wood/you cut) and getting miss dig to flag phone/power lines then mick bunker can finish our road project. Thank you to everybody that helped today!!! Waepoa association has some pretty great members!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Message from the President

Vicki Reinhardt posted this update on the Facebook page............. Hello all! As summer comes to a close there is color starting to show in the trees already where WAS summer??? Our roads underwent a mid summer road grading by mick/Brian bunker with an actual road grader! They widened the places they could to make room for snow plowing this winter and they worked on road crowns. There was an informal meeting at my house in July for people that had concerns after our annual meeting and the vinca road project was discussed. There will be a work bee on The weekend of October 11 to cut/remove trees marked along vinca by some of the WAEPOA members. This will save us money that can then be put into the roads themselves instead if paying to cut trees too. Mick bunker was hired to do the job. Bids were requested from 2 other companies and after seeing our job were not interested in submitting one. I have letters from them staying that! After the trees are removed mr. Bunker will be removing stumps that need it, widening the roads and putting gravel where needed. Our goal is to work within our budget this year. Signs will be going up as work begins and roads may be temporarily closed while dropping/moving trees. Please bear with us during this process... By waiting until October we should miss the heavier summer traffic. Please let your neighbors know Have a safe holiday weekend!!! Thanks, Vicki

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Clean Up Day

The Road Commission set Saturday October 11th 2014 as this year's official WAEPOA Clean Up Day. Any available members are encouraged to meet at 9:00 AM at Rocky Reed's (Rocky's Place on Vinca and Plum) with chain saws and tools (along with gloves and strong backs!)to take down overhanging branches along all the roads and any other maintenance that needs to happen before winter. Please pass this on to any neighbors that may not see this post and if you can't make it you can, of course, do any work yourself on your own road at any time. Most everything in the Association is done by your neighbors volunteering their time and equipment and that is what makes this such a special place! Hope to see you there!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Road Commission Meeting

The WAEPOA Road Commissioners are going to hold an open meeting on Saturday July 19, 2014 at 10AM at President Vicki Reinhardt's home on Trillium. Members are encouraged to attend for input and discussion of the present and future projects concerning our roads. Please notify any interested neighbors. It's your money and you can have a say on how it is spent!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

We are on Facebook!!

At this year's Annual Meeting it was decided that to better communicate with our members we would put your Association on Facebook. Just search for the group WAEPOA and then ask to join. We are limiting this to members only so you will have to be approved. The idea is for everyone to have an opportunity to comment or post about concerns or just to share information. This blogsite will stay active but the comments section had to be shut down due to too much spam. If you have anything you would like to say without a Facebook login please contact the Webmaster, Barb Manrow, and she will be happy to post for you either here or on Facebook. Her contact information is on the right along with your Board Members. Please let other neighbors know about this new option so that everyone can be a part of the WAEPOA community online.