Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy summer!

With another Annual Meeting under our belts, the Summer season has officially begun here at WAEPOA. Let the fun begin!
There has been some changes to your Board. Vicki Reinhardt has assumed the office of President. Vicki is a longtime resident with property on Trillium. Bob Hobbs is now the Vice President. He is the husband of our Secretary/Treasurer, Susan, and they have a place on Fawn. Dick Brown will continue to be our Road Commissioner from his command post on Plum.
The only real business of the meeting was deciding on a plow contract. Mr. Spreeman offered us a 3 year contract at slightly above last year's rate. Members were somewhat concerned at making a longer term commitment but authorized the Board to do some further negotiations. Sufficient funds are a problem and we are always squeaking by on having enough to pay the full bill. Dues payments have been slower than usual partially due to the delay in the Spring letter. It is hoped that money will continue to flow in and if you, or one of your neighbors, have not yet paid you are strongly encouraged to do so. The Association address is at the bottom of this webpage. Any questions should be directed to the Board Members that are listed on the righthand side.
Road Commissioner Brown encouraged any members that need assistance with their section of the road to contact him and he would be willing to gather others to help. The roads need to be maintained by everyone...don't assume an issue will be resolved by someone else. Since funds are always limited, individual property owners taking care of the roads in their area is how this all works.
We also encourage any member that has a comment about, or submission to, this webpage to contact the Webmaster, Barb Manrow, and she will be happy post any pictures or articles that you would like to share.
WAEPOA is a great place to live and to play and we are fortunate to own a little piece of this heaven. Enjoy all that the area has to offer!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Jump Start

It appears that some of our neighbors have gotten their "nests" all ready for the new season here in the North Woods...how about you?