Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Sincere Wish...

...that all of our WAEPOA neighbors have a Very Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Snow Plowing!?!

It's hard to believe but we are already thinking about winter and moving all that white stuff that seems to accumulate around here. Sec/Treas Barb Havens has managed to confirm some local contractors that would be willing to plow your driveway. Never too early to make plans!!

Mike Brown (231) 420-3581
Dan Hamsher (231) 525-8930
George Hempenstall (231) 525-9027
Bec's Plowing:
-----Becky (231)445-0319
-----Josh (231)445-0317

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Summer Road work

Some neighbors got together to do some patchwork on Vinca where there were a couple of holes. Hard work and they did a great job! Thanks guys!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The newly reopened Primrose

For those of you that have always wondered what was behind the red gate on Bull Run here is a shot of Primrose taken from east to west. It's a beautiful area back there that runs along and connects right to the State Forest. A bit more clearing of the road has to be done but if you get a chance...check it out!

(Thanks to President Chris Baker for the photo)

Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Rare Sight

A double lady slipper...it's a thing of beauty, don't you think?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Old and New

The Annual Meeting was well attended this year with much lively discussion.
Chris Baker will remain WAEPOA President but some changes in the Board occurred with Doug Schofield assuming the VP slot and Barbara Havens moving into the Secretary/Treasurer position. Dick Brown volunteered to be our Road Commissioner and Barb Manrow will assume the duties of the Webmaster. She is asking for any submissions from members of pictures or descriptions of events that would be of interest to our community. This is your web page...let's make it fun and interesting!
Have a great summer everyone!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mineral Rights

The recent Spring letter referenced a website that you can go to if you would like to know what the status is of your mineral rights in any property in the State of MI. Here it is: http://www.dnr.state.mi.us/spatialdatalibrary/pdf_maps/mineral_lease_information/cheboygan_lease_information.pdf

Monday, January 5, 2009

Gate at Bull Run and Primrose

FYI--The lawsuit issue on the use of the roads in the Association has been resolved. The court's decision has been posted under the heading "Lawsuit Update" originally posted on June 10, 2008 on this blog. Just click on the comments link.