Saturday, May 26, 2007


This is the first posting of a brand new site devoted to our little piece of the woods here in Wolverine. We are hoping to provide all our members with information and access to all the happenings in the neighborhood. We are looking for suggestions on what you would like to see and we hope you will check back once in awhile to see what's new. There are various ways to communicate with any of the board members. There is the email link on this site as well as personal email and phone numbers provided on the right side of the page. You can also post a message which other members can read by using the comments feature at the end of each post. You don't have to sign up, just use the anonymous option but if you would like a reply please provide some contact information. This is new to all of us but we hope it will be useful and fun! Let us know what you think!!

PS This is a picture of a Ladyslipper, one of our local flowers and even one of our street names!